Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Dragging Plastic Sleds

For the past few weeks, when I stepped on the brakes, my rear brakes would make a noise that sounded a lot like I was dragging a plastic sled across gravel. So I promptly called up my favorite mechanic aka dad, and asked him about it. He would just, "hummmm."

Finally, I just came out and asked him:

"Is it my brake pads?"


"How urgent is it?" (as I look at the bleak endless abyss that is my rising debt and empty checkbook)

"Well, someday you're going to step on the brakes and keep going." (Which pretty much translates to NOW STUPID!)

So I check in with my other favorite mechanic, who's much more of a local. After a nice drive just missing rush hour traffic, being made fun of by guys who know my dad pretty well because I was lucky enough to just pay parts & not labor, and one great big hug, I headed home sans one hub cap that rode in the trunk. (damned fancy hub caps!)

I can now stop in peace.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Better Late...

I know I haven't posted anything at all about this season's Nashville Star contestants. It's not that I'm shunning it. I've just been lazy.

This week Tommy Stanley got booted and my thought was finally. At first he was fine, but I cringed through the entire "Save a Horse" performance and that's when I knew he was short lived.

I was shocked however by the Pearl Heart elimination. The girls perform really well together and have really blossomed under Jeffery Steele's mentorship. I hope good things happen for them.

My favorites are Gabe Garcia and Ashlee Hewitt. Gabe is starting to come out of his shell more, but seriously for me taking on SLY was hard. You know me and my Keith. And I have to admit that it blew me away Ash didn't know "Take the Money and Run." Seriously?!

Welcome Baby Urban!

Congratulations to Keith and Nic on the birth yesterday of Sunday Rose Kidman Urban.