Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I dub thee William, the post of procrastination.

I'm gonna get out today. I also have a real hum dinger of a test to study for in SA History. Not sure if I wanna do that right now or not. I'm still putting off reality for a bit. Finished reading Rumor has it. It was a cute little fluff book. One of my more true "porn books."

I'm hungry. I think I might run over to Atwood for some food today. Thinking of attending Women on Wednesday lecture today. This semester it's all guest speakers that have to do with women in politics. I should go, but I'm worried I won't get my studying done. Mebbe I should accomplish that first.

Part of my Keith poster just fell off the wall. Erg. I've gotta remember to buy some blue tacky stuff.


So, homework. Test. Study.

Weekend. Coming soon. God, I can't wait. Erin's coming home. So I can get out a bit and all sorts of other stuff. I want to make carameled apples. Do they have that stuff out in the grocery stores yet? I know I ran into christmas displays at Menards and Target, so I'm assuming apples and caramel are the normal schtick for groceries.

Ah what ever. Must learn Africa.

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