I rented Love Actually from the Library. (I really must quit saying that. Borrowed. That's the correct term.) It stars tons of British actors like Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, Colin Firth, and Keira Knightley. Setting is Britain in the month before christmas. The story is vinegttes of different characters' love lives leading up to Christmas when they find out what love actually is.
The movie tag line is that it's the "Ultimate Romantic Comedy." Well, I'll let it keep the comedy part. Hugh Grant's character, the new young hip Prime Minister, giving me the most chuckles. Expecially during his "strong nation" speech and the aftermath that follows. The romance was a bit fleeting. None of the couples really shot off too many sparks, but the nine year old boy's delima of being in the "total agony of love" was really cute. Other parts of the movie were just strange. My main point of contention was that it was sorta choppy. It was like watching a christmas soap opera with better jokes, badder storyline, and a sing-a-long soundtrack. I also wasn't sure how the six or so different storylines related to each other. I sorta had them at the end, but I still don't get how Colin and the porn couple were related. Other random comments: *really weird seeing Professor Snape with real hair and regular clothes. *Billy Bob Thorton playing the President of the United States as a cross between Dubbya and Mr. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. *Best line happens when Colin is convinced British chicks are stuck-up and he needs to go to america, where he's going to "a fantastic place called Wisconson." 2 out of 4 lightning bolts. |
I know a good time when I see one / And when I'm in the mood I can even be one / I can lead the parade or I can stop it / Sometimes I dance in the boat just to rock it
*from The Kinleys' Just Between You and Me album.
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