Friday, November 19, 2004

A bad explination and an apology (to my people)

I know I've been terribly lax in writing to you, my adoring public. But alas, I've been swamped with tons of stuff. Expecially since I've been getting close towards the end of the semester, my field work, and the holidays.

I promise in the coming weeks to fit a bit of time in to rant, rave, and burn bits of energy off. Until that happens, I get to be one of those posters I despise who never update their sites regularily.

So, anything good happen while I've been gone? I haven't checked in on Erin or Angel's blogs lately because I've been so far behind I haven't had time. I hope they're not dead, or living in a commune with a biker named Fred Kuna, or Gotten "I rock the big game" tatooed in india ink across their foreheads.

It's been so long since I visted up there. I need more hours or something. Mebbe I've just gotten too lazy and with all the extra constraints on my time I've gone bonkers.

In Larry's words: "Lord, I apologize."

Did you catch my "these are my people" pun from Varsity Blues? No? That's okay. Not everyone likes teen flicks.

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