Tuesday, November 23, 2004

The thing with bones

I'm not quite sure when this bone thing started today. It could have been when I was reading All American Girl by Meg Cabot and there was this thing mentioned about a guy cutting his nose open, removing his nasal cavity, and replacing it with a chicken bone. (Uh, that's not a direct quote, its a haphazard paraphrase, but I listed title and author so I should be covered, Right?)

Or it could be when one of my "constructive criticism" comments about my presentation today. The comment was that my pants were low on my hips. This statement could in no way be correct. First off - I don't have hips. I'm built like a padded ruler. Second (and this thought was tested as I walked back from the bathroom) when I wear my pants on my hip bones, it gives me a beer gut looking figure. I do not wear my clothes like that. Period.

Then bones, specifically hip bones, were mentioned when I was reading on Toshia's bed and smacked my head into her hip bone. They are very pointy. So of course I slammed my head there a couple more times to demonstrate how painful it is. Toshia laughed, because apparently, "That Tickles."

We went to see The Princess Diaries 2 tonight, and on the way down the stairs I was putting in my square hoops and they weren't cooperating so I used this handy phrase I pick up from Heather:

Me: Fuck Me!

Tosh: I'd rather not.

Me: I'd rather you not too. You have bone-y hips. If I'm going to slam my body part into something, I'd rather it be cushy.

****Hilarious laughter as we relate to becky*****

Becky: You don't really notice it when you're having sex.

We then went on to discuss guys we know with bone-y hips.

I can imagine myself paying more attention to ripping off "Lord Nicholas's" (Chris Pine) shirt and licking his chest that what my hips are doing. He has De-Vine blue eyes and looks sexy as hell with dorky glasses on.

Uh, yeah. So uh. How's the weather.

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