Thursday, February 03, 2005

Smell...That word looks so funny.

I was paging through one of my old Jane Mag's and saw this article by Liv Tyler titled "My five favorite smells, just because" and I thought it would be great to blog about.

1. Rain I've always loved thunderstorms, but that ozone smell right before or right after it rains is so refreshing and purifying. Thunderstorms energizing me. One night in Nodak we were having this wild lightning storm. It smelled of rain and was windy as hell, but nothing was coming out of the sky yet. I laid out on our trampoline in the dark and watched the storm approach across that big black sky. Amazing.

2. Original Stenson Cologne for Men My dad has worn this forever. When I was little I rarely ever saw him except on Sundays when we went to church and he had to get spiffed up in his dress shirts, jeans, and aftershave.

3. Lilacs I used to live surrounded by ten foot tall hedges of lilacs. Lilacs and Honeysuckle. I had this hide out, which consisted of two really big rocks in a cubby I hacked out of a the lilac hedge.

4. Fresh Cut Grass I don't know anybody (with the exception of allergic Toshia) who hates this smell. I've used to make my pocket money by mowing lawns. I also was forced to mow our own gigantuan lawns, even before we had a rider.

5. Apples My best friend when I was little used to eat gallons of apple juice. My grandpa used to bake killer apple pies. I used to filch not quite ripe apples from the neighbors trees during volleyball season. I swear they smell how they taste.

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