Friday, May 27, 2005


As should be apparent by now, this past weekend I went to my sister's graduation.

*snarky smile*

And it was fun!

My sister graduated third in her class, so she had to speak. She had mentioned earlier that I was in her speech. She did not however tell me how, exactly, I was portrayed. When she said, "Thanks to Lisa for teaching me not to stand up in a canoe." I lost it. I was howling with laughter. My dad was elbowing me and stage whispering "shut up you're really loud." Which only set me off more.

Later that day, at the grad party, all these people kept coming up to me and asking about the canoe. I just kinda shrugged and said it was a long's really not. When I was like 12 we went to Silver Lake, and I somehow managed to tip the canoe over in like six inches of water. It's not exactly a shining moment of my dexterity, but it served as a humorous moment in Mel's speech along with TV not rotting Eliza's brain, and Vanessa being a wacky little weirdo.

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