Friday, July 29, 2005

Here's The Hottie:

Wild 99 has pictures up on their website of the Brian McComas "acoustic" concert on Wednesday night. Me and the Girls aren't in any of them, but they do have a couple of that hottie I went to listen to.

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Getting ready to whistle a "team drink."

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Goofing off during the set.

Yummy. He's just so scruffy and lovable. Like a mutt puppy.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Mee-Rrrow! ...With Jeans On

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Keith Urban has been selected to appear in Gap's two-month long Fall 2005 television and print campaign called, "Favorites," which begins this August. For the new campaign, which focuses on how jeans and songs are individual expressions of personality and style. Capitol Nashville's Urban recorded one of his favorite songs exclusively for Gap, a rocking country version of Billy Thorpe's "Most People I Know Think I'm Crazy." The track will be available as part of a limited edition CD at Gap stores and beginning September 1. In addition, Urban will perform his rendition while wearing his favorite Gap Jeans in the upcoming television campaign.

***article has been heavily paraphrased/edited/ect. Check out the full one here.

Way Out In The Middle Of Nowhere

Last night was, of course, the Brian McComas acoustic concert. There was one fabulous bonus. He brought his band, so we got to rock out too.

Anna came and picked me up, then me, barefoot and clutching her phone, and her decked out in cowboy hat got the tickets from Anthony. We got to the station when the "Doors Opened" but were stuck outside the bar. Wild 99 still has a few "bugs" to work out of this whole process so it flows smoother. We ended up standing in the back of the bar up against the wall instead of at the numerous tables up front. There also wasn't anyplace for people to dance.

Since Tiffy was driving me home, I allowed myself to slam down my alcohol instead of sipping it politely to lessen the inhibition reducing side effects.

The opening act was a local guy I'd never seen before, and frankly I wasn't too impressed. When he begged Amy Foxx, the morning Dj who's pregnant up on stage to sing Redneck Woman, and then reciprocated his own hilarious "Redneck Guy" lyrics in between verses he had found a new fan.

Brian was awesome. He started strong with songs off his first album, then followed it up with a "sing it if you know it" session. He did a lot of crowd pleasing covers and opened his encore with a cover of Superstitious.

Tiffy by this time was ready to head home, so I have to wait until the other girls post or call me to fill in the rest of the details. Tiffy reminded me I hadn't eaten and kindly brought me to McDonald's where I fed my inner child chicken McNuggets and my adult self sucked down a fruit parfait on the ride home.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


The CD burner is out to spite me. It's been rocking along today with relatively no problems, mostly simple stuff I can handle on my own. Shauna goes to meet up with a pal at Don Pablo's for lunch, and BAM! The burner has a coniption that I am not educated, certified, or cleared to handle.

Stupid hand-something (Do CD burners have a gender?) of Satan!

Tonight, Tonight!

Sorry for the bad pun all you BL Class of 2002-ers (and if you don't get it, Shame on you). I also apologize because it is very similar to yesterday's post.

Tonight is Brian McComas!!!

I'm very excited. In fact, I haven't really accomplished all that much (or at least as much as I wanted to) at work today which really sucks, but that's okay. I'll just have to buckled down tomorrow because I'm bouncing too much today to worry about it too much.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!

Two Words: Brian McComas!!!

Monday, July 25, 2005

I Finally Heard It!

For weeks now, I've heard this song on the radio but the DJ's never mentioned the title or the artist. I know know that I'm crazy about Tracy Lawrence's new song Used To The Pain.

Recovering From The Wild Weekend

Friday night was Girls Night Out at the Station with High Noon. I had a blast. The band was Fab as normal (4 Keith Covers!) The company was stunning. Everybody was pleasantly drunk. Anna decided to come and we coerced Tiffy into coming out too. Becky was running late so it took us all awhile to actually show up, but once there...

My night ended after a stop at Perkin's to feed my stomach. I was so tired from work and I was freezing my ass off (shocker I know. Please. Shut your mouth and don't drool. It's gross.) so I went home while Tosh and Anna headed off to Tyler's.

Saturday I woke up to a thunderstorm, lazed about, then took my grandma grocery shopping.

Sunday was Samantha's birthday so I ventured to the Zoo and was monopolized by Ainjil (like normal). Bri and Ben were down and Tosh was packing for the new apt. I also got to meet Pita, who I'm sure Tosh will borrow my camera so everyone can see her skunk-like likeness (unless you're going to be at Erin's 21st birthday bash because the rat seems to be coming with if I heard right).

I Made It Again!

My e-quest went through today I guess, because at this moment, Crystal Gayle is belting out Half The Way!

Friday, July 22, 2005

"If Nothing Else, This Proves That Fashion Is Temporary, But Crabbiness Endures."

Five Weird Historical Fashion Trends

Fun Keith News:

Urban Signs Movie Deal

Keith Urban will try his hand at acting after signing a developmental deal with Melee Entertainment, whose films are distributed by Paramount Pictures. His publicist told CMT Insider that Urban has not yet seen a script and has no idea what type of movie might be offered. Noting that the deal is for one film only and won't necessarily be released to coincide with one of upcoming Urban's albums, the publicist emphasized there is "no timetable on the movie and frankly no timetable on an album." Melee Entertainment founder and president Bryan Turner formed Priority Records in 1985 and spent 16 years as its chairman. In 1988, Turner signed the rap group, N.W.A., featuring Dr. Dre, Ice Cube and Eazy-E.

I've known about this for about a day and a half now, and have been really quiet. A lot of the gals on the boards have said they need this to "marinate," others are unhappy, and the rest are completely ecstatic. I'm sort of...numb.

I really don't have a problem with this, and I'm very excited. I don't have strong feelings like everyone else is projecting. I think it might be because of how notoriously long movies take, or maybe because it's not guaranteed to happen. It could also be because I'm tired as hell, stressed, impatient for my September concert, and fustrated because the Live DVD hasn't been released yet.

The bottom line is that Keith is my guy and I give him absolute support in everything he does. I hope the rest of his fans understand how long this mainstream recognition has been coming for him and how he needs our support. Besides, who wouldn't wanna look at that gorgeous mug up there on the big screen.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Possessed By The Devil

After working just fine yesterday, the CD burner has become a servant of Satan! It has popped me an error message for no apparent reason three times today. Each time I have to go fetch Shauna to restart the damn thing and I'm sick of trying to figure out which jobs have gone MIA. Gah. I'm going to be in the market for an exorcist if the Microtech guys can't figure it out.

99.9% Sure

I just might possibly get to see Brian McComas because Anna rocks!

. . .Now if only I could get my weekend plans for the next to weeks straightened out. . .

Sweet Victory

I tasted victory for a moment. I finally broke into the 5oo's on the ranking in Keith's I-squad yesterday, but alas, I'm back at 603 today.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Do You Want To Read A Blog Entry About A Cute Little Elf? (Movie Review)

Well, you have come to the wrong place. This is my depressing review of Lemony Snicket's Series of unfortunate Events staring funny man Jim Carey.

This movie is wonderful. Dark, gothic, and engaging with a vintage feel. I don't think I have enough vocabulary to properly describe it before I start sound like Katie Holmes saying how "amazing" Tom Cruise is. (Gack!)

The cinematography is wonderful, whether it's computer inserted or not. The young actors portraying the main characters are magnificent fits. Jim Carey is probably THE only actor today I could imagine playing the dastardly chameleon Count Olaf. My only snarky comment is that I can think of way sexier and mysterious voices to take on the narrator role of the mysterious Lemony Snicket than Jude Law.

I'm holding hopes for another movie with this spectacular cast. Perhaps based on the next few books?

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

It's That Time Again

The spike-heeled cloggers are making their encore performance. It is not going well for me.

Ode To My Favorite Footwear


Past Blast

Last night as I was lounging around before bed, the phone rang. . .and no one is going to be able to guess who called me.


Man. I haven't talked to her since, like graduation or something. It's been so long. I'm supposed to call her again tonight and make some plans to get together. She says that includes you too Tosh!

Monday, July 18, 2005

"...Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, The Famous Chocolateer..."(Movie Review)

This weekend I took in the Box office leader, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory not once, but Twice. I saw it Saturday with Anna and again on Sunday with Tosh, Smantha, and Jace.

I should probably start this review stating that I hated the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I'm not certain why, I just know when I was a kid, I couldn't stand it. Now, as an adult, I loved this Tim Burton/Johnny Depp collaboration on one of Roal Dahl's fun books.

This was signature Burton. Fun, stunning visuals (A giant pink seahorse boat takes a white-water rafting expedition on the chocolate river), slightly dark humor ("Everything in this room is edible, including me. But that children is called cannibalism and is frowned upon in many cultures."), catchy Oompa-Loompa song/dance numbers (one which mimics 80's hairband videos) and is overall a fabulous ride.

Johnny Depp was superb, but then again, the man has never had a bad performance. His Willy Wonka carries the movie along with his paranoia, isolation, social incompetence, and outright disdain for children.

One woman in the theater brought up the Michael Jackson idea, but personally, I find MJ creepy and Wonka a riot. The backplotting into Wonka's character should really ditch all MJ thoughts. Without all the prior hoopla, even she'd probably never have made the connection.

I'd definitely suggest you go to see it. Toshia enjoyed the first one more. But after all, movies are simply brain candy, and this one was a sweet treat.

It's A Small World. . .

Friday night had me, Erin, Anna, and Tosh at the County Fair to see The Killer Hayseeds. It was hot, and our "getting down" really didn't last that long.

We did however take in the cute petting zoo (complete with adorable goats, peeing miniature deer, and kangaroos) and the fair food. I know I said I'd had my limit at Spud Fest, but I just couldn't pass up a corn dog, a caramel apple, a vanilla milkshake, and snitching one of Erin's cheese curds.

While catching some air, Anna ran into a gal she used to work with, who happens to work with Toshia's dad and is friends with her old neighbors, used to work with Erin's mom, and who's husband's hometown is about 30 miles or so from my parents' new one.

Small world indeed.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Strange Dream

Last night I had the weirdest dream.

Apparently my dad had died. I was somewhere in northern Minnesota. I was at a "soda fountain" when my cellphone rang and I was told. I couldn't get to Nodak though. My Aunt came along insisting I couldn't fit it into my schedule because I had to attend a cream cheese conference. So I decide to stop by the conference (which was held in a building that had a stunning resemblance to my church right down to the alter cloths in the "conference room") quick before I go to nodak. Just as I was being greeted from one of the kids I student taught back in November, I woke up.

I may not normally remember my dreams, but when I do, they are bizarre-ro!.

Out of The Ashes

I was really disappointed because our free "concert" didn't work out because of logistical problems. (It's still going on, we're just not going to be there.) But I think I might have found a solution to the dilemma of where we should go tonight. The Killer Hayseeds are playing the county fair. This way, we're going out, it's cheap, short drive all the way around, and it's okay if we need to cut out early.

So. Waddya think girls?

Crabby Party Animals

Ainjil's birthday bash last night was overshadowed by the fact that there were five crabby children under the age of ten, two cranky teenagers, two frazzled parents, and two annoyed uh, Me and Tosh, attending. Aside from the heat and everyone's case of the cranks, it was great.

Ainjil really enjoyed her present from me (Breyer's of the horses from Spirit). She wanted to play with them the moment she ripped the shiny purple wrapping paper off. I felt really bad though be cause she seemed way into my present and then flew through everyone else's. Maybe for Christmas I'll get her something stupid so I don't feel so bad.

And Mmm that chocolate cake was amazing.

A K-Tel First

Today marks the first time my fingers (along with other various body parts) haven't been frozen by ten in the morning. It feels so nice. I may even be slightly over warm. Ahh, to be able to say that for once!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Shout Out-

Happy Birthday Ainjil!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

". . .Good luck's gonna shine. . ."

K102 just played Keith's new single Better Life. I'm in a good mood.

"Here's to You, Mr. Too Much Cologne Wearer!"

Gad. This guy is in the office today for some sort of meeting and the entire office is saturated in his stench.

Come on. Leave already.

I've always thought those beer commercials were a riot, but this is a little much.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Today is the Boss's (not Bruce, but Mary) Birthday so Shauna picked up some build your own sundae fixings for us. Yummy. I can't wait!

Monday, July 11, 2005

My Very Own Dorothy Shoes

On Sunday while I was trying on all the weirdest and ugliest shoes I could find at Wal-mart, I happened upon an adorable pair of strappy red kitten heels. And after much deliberation, they now grace my feet. I like my new shoes. They're pretty. I'm confident they won't take me back to Kansas, but if I don't pay attention, they'll have no problem sending me flying.

And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor.

Got this awesome review link from someone off the Keith Boards. It's a excellent write up and goes to show how much adoration Keith is getting from former non-believers.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


The cut I have on my left pointer finger was annoying me today when I realized I hadn't told ya'll another story about my idiocy.


So, I was at the restaurant about to cut up Canadian Bacon for the prep table. I was trying to use a knife, but most of the ones on the knife rack were pretty dull, so my dad points out one that he'd just sharpened last week. I pull it down and begin quartering the slices yaking my mouth off. All of a sudden my dad hears me start swearing and turns to see me grab a papertowel.

"How'd you manage to cut yourself?" He asks (and you are all wondering. Right?)

holding the plastic that wrapped the Canadian Bacon with the same had as the knife, and when I reached into the container with my other hand, I slammed my fingers INTO the knife blade.

How dumb can I get?


I'd just like to take a moment to encourage thoughts and prayers and a solemn moment to be extended to the victims and families of those involved in the London bombings, all of Britain, and World leaders who have been given the responsibility to investigate, combat, and solve problems of terror, hunger, and poverty in our global community.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Totally Wicked!

Little Foot's Friends Visit Alaska

Come to Mama!

Keith Urban's people have announced that he's going to be playing Mpls on September 24th. All the radio stations are advertising, and some are even giving away tickets. So everyone has to go out a win me some, alright.