Monday, July 25, 2005

Recovering From The Wild Weekend

Friday night was Girls Night Out at the Station with High Noon. I had a blast. The band was Fab as normal (4 Keith Covers!) The company was stunning. Everybody was pleasantly drunk. Anna decided to come and we coerced Tiffy into coming out too. Becky was running late so it took us all awhile to actually show up, but once there...

My night ended after a stop at Perkin's to feed my stomach. I was so tired from work and I was freezing my ass off (shocker I know. Please. Shut your mouth and don't drool. It's gross.) so I went home while Tosh and Anna headed off to Tyler's.

Saturday I woke up to a thunderstorm, lazed about, then took my grandma grocery shopping.

Sunday was Samantha's birthday so I ventured to the Zoo and was monopolized by Ainjil (like normal). Bri and Ben were down and Tosh was packing for the new apt. I also got to meet Pita, who I'm sure Tosh will borrow my camera so everyone can see her skunk-like likeness (unless you're going to be at Erin's 21st birthday bash because the rat seems to be coming with if I heard right).

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