Friday, September 30, 2005

Kame Apart

I'm sitting here IM-ing with Tosh when a K-mart commercial came on and Darryl Worley's I fell in Love in a K-mart! song/jingle came on. It made me think back on being a kid in CH.

I used to live only a couple of blocks from K-mart and me and my girlie friends used to walk over all the time. I remember going "shopping" and then stopping at Arby's for a pop (I SAID POP! Or, actually I typed it.) and taking the LOOOONG way around so we could use the walking bridge. It's where I bought my first music album ever, and where we stopped to cool off after hiking all the way to Castle Park. Ah, good old days.

Oh, Erin,

I have a suprise for you.

Dishwasher Coup

That's right. I staged a dishwasher coup with the help of Krystle. Between the two of us (and that giant box of dishes I snarked from home) we filled up the dishwasher.

I needed Krystle's help because I forgot to put a stack of cups in, and even though when you open the door the jets stop, I have strange magical powers that probably would have flooded our kitchen. So that was much appreciated.

Anyhowy, because of my sneaky military intelligence, some poor family in rural Africa had water yesterday because I didn't unload the dishwasher until right before bed. Hence the dishwasher Nazi couldn't cycle her dinner dishes through.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Great Gilmore News

The 5th season of Gilmore Girls will be released on December 13th. You can check out the new box design here because the picture is huge.

Well, My Little Sis Started One

That's right. The little sis, affectionately known as Melly, Mel Bell, Melogna, and Cake Eater now has her very own blog, Psychonauts Beware. Check it out and give her crap.

Please Slap Me Upside The Head

So today after my Astronomy lab, one of the guys in my class (and he's a cutie too) held the stairwell door open for me and we chatted all the way to my next class.

Let me rephrase that.

I was preoccupied with how crappy I felt, how much I didn't want to be there, and my paper I had to finish before two that I pretty much answered all the questions he asked me about myself and asked none in return. It hit me when I was doing my biweekly power walk workout just how self-centered I must have sounded. Somebody please shoot me.


Today sucks for physical exercise. Well, at least my PE class wasn't the highlight today. First it started early this morning when I realized I gave myself a blister on my pinky toe yesterday. It then was compounded by my slight cold and the fact that I forgot a sports bra. It was slightly looking up since I power walked around the track and there was a pretty intense game of shirts vs. skins going on. But that in no way made up for feeling like crap. But it made me smile.

Check It Out

Miranda Lambert's video for her new single Kerosene is up on Yahoo. Give it a looksee. This title track is absolutely rockin' and it's one of my favorites on the album.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Oh I Can Feel It This Morning

Yesterday for PE I power walked for fourty minutes. My glutes and hammies are screaming at me this morning.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Darn It!

I got my pictures developed. There are some lovely shots of Eric grilling and Toshia's birthday, but my poor Keith concert. Like one of the pictures came out half way decent. And if that damn woman hadn't stuck her hands in the way I'd have two. Gah!

I Got It!!!

Today I dragged Krystle along with me to Target to get Keith's new DVD Livin' Right Now.

Image hosted by

However, I haven't had a chance to watch it because I have class at five. Oh, well. After class. Totally.

Riddle Me This

I had a dream last night that one of my roommates took all of my dishes out of the kitchen cupboards (I have been given the least amount of kitchen space and seem to be the one asside from dishwasher girl who uses it the most) and was going to throw them away to make room for more of hers.

I Forgot To Broadcast

I got the Hightimes and Hangovers 2 tickets in the mail. That's right those Dierks and Ragweed tickets are staring at me from my bulliten board. Let the countdown begin!

Work Night Highlights

Once again, it is time for the Monday night installment of Lisa's Work Highlights. Let the laughs begin!

-Meow!!! Got to see my resident Argentinean Hottie and RA extraordinare, Martin, play soccer. Not only does he kick a mean black and white ball, he also looks sexy wearing latex gloves cleaning up blood and barf.

-Met Sara, the girl waiting for her pizza from Morristown, who yakked with me while she waited and I homeworked.

-Got to hear the juicy gossip when some redhead had a shrieking fit in the elevator.

-"You're seriously chaining that? What is this? Coach Carter?" Since I haven't seen the movie and have no clue what the guy was referring to, someone PLEASE inform the ignorant!

And saving the best for last:

-I witnessed a gigantic (we're talking Defensive Tackle Mt. McKinnie size here) black dude singing "My Lovely Lady Lumps" in falsetto while doing the Toshia dance. The Black Eyed Peas should SO use that in their My Humps video.

Monday, September 26, 2005

It Ain't Easy Being A State (Movie Review)

While ducking my homework Sunday night, I popped my latest Library rental into the DVD player: Carolina, staring the ever talented Julia Stiles (Ten Things..., The Bourne movies), Shirley MacLaine (only the funniest woman on earth aside from Lucille Ball), Randy Quaid (Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation), and Jennifer Coolidge (aka Stifler's Mom).

Since I don't ever remember hearing about the theater release of this, I'm assuming it didn't hit. Which is probably a good thing since most romantic comedy's don't really fly. Even if it's hyped as being "As funny and charming as Sweet Home Alabama" right on the DVD case.

This one, however, certainly took off for me. Carolina (Stiles) is the oldest of three daughters being raised by their wacky Southern Grandma (MacLaine) in Southern California. Carolina yearns for a family that's a little more normal to fit in with her TV Game Show job, and seems to get her wish when a hunky Brit enters her life, much to the disappointment of her best friend Albert (who looks very familiar. He played Henry Crawford in Mansfield Park.) who has the hots for her. Did I mention Al secretly writes romance novels under a pen name? Which only adds to some very funny lines.

I'm not asking you to be a normal child, 'cause that's not the Mirabeau way. I'm just asking you to be a little smarter about your crazy side, okay?

The end is a bit predictable (Hello! It's a romance.) But the characters are so richly drawn and wonderfully acted from Randy Quaid's alcoholic father to Jennifer Coolidge's whorish Aunt Marylin to Mika Boorem who's moving up Hollywood ranks by being the lovable, if annoying younger sister (you should recognize her from Blue Crush).

3 of 4 Lightening Bolts. It's definitely being added to my DVD collection.

Getting That Roll On Back

Better late then never I say. I was way mondo lazy last night, hence why I totally spaced on actually blogging after my Fabulous Football team trounced the Saints.

Since I only have minor complaints, I won't even waste energy on them.

Game Ball: The New Orleans Saints for doing their job even though they have a million things on their minds, worries in their hearts, are mentally and emotionally tired, and won't have homefield advantage all season.

Stupid Blogger

It won't let me read comments on Toshia's blog.

If I can't read them, I can't comment.


I think I'm going to hyperventilate.

Oh, oh..Here it goes....



I think I am coming unhinged.

Let's see...

I think I'll start with the fact that my student files are inaccessible.

My printer wouldn't work for me this morning before I left for class. I'm sure I'm going to return to six copies of my IM short writing assignment sitting in my printer tray.

I'm behind on my course readings and I have a bazillion IM articles to read and they all seem to be 15 or more pages long.

I managed to rip a chunk of wallpaper off the wall in my closet and if I don't want to pay damages, I'm going to have to figure out how to glue it back up so it looks like it hasn't happened.

My roommate hogs the dishwasher and I actually have two entire boxes of dishes to wash, which would fill the damn thing up...Something she has a problem doing no matter how many plates she eats her dinner off of.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Lisa The Human Jungle Gym

I went to BL this weekend for Tosh's belated birthday party and enjoyed Penny's fab nachos (of which I have extra sitting in my fridge), playing with the new kitten-Leo, and of course my precocious goddaughter, Ainjil.

Since then, I've been crawled all over, covered in sand burrs, head butted in the stomach and mooned by Jaxon, quizzed on my Pokemon knowledge by Jace, fumed at by Erin, and well, I got to see 101 Dalmation's 2 and Addladin Prince of Theives.

I'm now back at school with a headache and missing the rug-rats all ready. Craziness I know.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Night Highlights

I just got back from pulling the late desk shift, and here are tonight's highlights:

-Kelly, the deskworker before me, gave me some licorice.

-I got my first paycheck from this job. All $27 of it. Now it's either groceries or gas. Not both.

-Toshia not only dropped off my keys, but also half a bowl of cold 3-bean and since I had no where to stash the bowl once it was empty, my backpack now smells like Lima, Kidney, Butter and Baked beans with bacon.

-A half naked male wearing low slung jeans made me help pick out his midnight snack. I suggested Peanut Butter M&Ms or Skittles. Skittles win.

-On the way home, a cop got on the bull horn and ordered a bunch of half drunks to pick-up all their litter or go to jail. Prime entertainment that was.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

So Erin, Are Ya?

Heard the Jets version of Are You Gonna Be My Girl today, and as always, it reminded me of Erin. I mean after a girl steals a fork for ya, being my girl has to be the next thing on the list...Right?

Shameless Ragweed Promotion has Cross Canadian Ragweed's new album Garage due out on October 4th up on the listening party page.

Everyone knows I'm a giant fan and that I'm seeing them along with Dierks Bentley on the Hightimes and Hangovers Tour II in a little less than a month. Check out the new album and make sure to click on their linky thing on my sidebar for all things Ragweed.

Congratulations Keith!

RIAA has certified the Golden Road has now sold 3 million copies!

Kinda Funny

When you use bloggers spell check, the corrective word for peeing is penis.

Heh, heh, heh.

The Modern Day Guitar God

It was FABULOUS!!!

Of course I'm taking about my Keith concert Tuesday night. I'm sure nobody wants the minute by minute rundown like Toshia got today, so I'll gloss over the finer parts.

-Even though we were in the balcony, our seats rocked. I could have hit him with a baseball, and Lord knows I can't throw worth a darn.

-Miranda Lambert is an amazing singer/songwriter and she did a rockin' cover of Hillbilly Highway. I even got her autograph.

-Keith sings a mean version of Jolene.

-Vanessa is currently in possession of my envy. One of the roadies gave her one of Keith's guitar pics. She is much enamored with his dancing guitar monkey.

-Jerry Flowers (Keith's bassist and a former Ranch member) has some stunning vocal chops that proves Steven Tyler isn't the only one who can wail that way. Plus, I got to see Keith slamming on those drums.

-Keith turned Chris R. (One of his guitarists who had a family emergency and couldn't make the show)'s guitar tech into a Rock Star in 2.5 seconds.

-No matter how many times I've seen him, this man's music is passionate, fresh, invigorating, and inspirational. And he has crazy good guitar skills. He just blows me away.

The Pee Tree

As many of you know, Izzy has been having problems lately. Well, just when I think she's all fixed and I attempt to drive to my parent's house, the shit-ith hit-ith the fan. Ith.

My car died at the gas pump in Wapeton and I flexed my girly muscles moving her all by my onesie. Then after homeworking for an hour she started right up and carried me another 80 miles or so before dying in the 13 & 1 intersection.

This time however, I had to pee and there wasn't a handy gas station to do it in. So, I had to use the ditch. Lucky for me, it was really steep, covered in knee high grass, and had some trees. Unlucky for me, 13 & 1 is apparently really busy at about 8 pm.

Once all they vehicles quit flying past me, I stomped my way down the ditch and behind the tree row. I unbutton my pants, ready to drop, when this deer comes bounding out of the tree row behind me.

I slap myself in the face at the irony, and get down to business. I pick out a sturdy looking tree for support so I can squat and not water my feet. It seems however, that my support tree was also the meeting place for every bird in the county. As I'm peeing, I glance up and flocks and flocks of birds are fleeing their former perch.

Me and animals. I tell ya.

It's Been Days

I promise blog-age soon. Right after my nap.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Turning Purple

There is nothing to say but this.

Today's game ball you ask? To the Minnesota fans who still are sticking with the team after today's inept performance.

Come on offense. Figure out your style and stick with it.

Honey, I'm Home

I'm broker and I'm full of breakfast food, but my head now feels like it's attached again.

The ride up for me is kinda a blur. Well, mostly it consisted of me doing homework. I know. How fun.

The Jello fight was a blast, which you can check out in detail here. Me? I'm the one in the white t-shirt that didn't get all that wet until the lake dipping. Everyone was too buys trying to maul the Birthday girl and Jon. Poor man. He was the only guy there.

The party was good times. Me, Erin, and Tosh were just Dahaling! Tosh opped out of wearing stupid hat and went for Erin's (by way of Angel) Birthday crown. Later in the evening when Tosh stole Froyd's soul, I got to wear the Birthday crown too, only I got really strange looks.

The after bar really sucked. Everyone was intoxicated and emotional. And I freaked Tosh out because I wouldn't come in off the roof. She ended up crawling out there with me and Grubbs joined us for some late night musings.

This morning Tosh was all bright-eyed and Erin and I seemed more like the walking dead. My stomach was rolling something crazy, which was probably from me inhaling loads of water this morning after having nothing but fruity alcohol in it.

Note to self: bawling makes you look like the Crypt Keeper. Let's keep it to a minimum.

The ride home was fun once my head became more attached and I quit thinking about how shitty the Vikings were playing before I left. We rocked out to some country tunes and stopped for ice cream on our potty break.

Now it's time to head over to the library. More homework ya know.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Brand Spankin' New

Last night on the super secret birthday shopping expedition (it was so secret Becky didn't know about it until we got back), I bought a new skirt and hat just for tomorrow night. Well, actually I bought the hat because I forgot mine, and then I needed something to wear with it. But I look Fab in them and they were on clearance so it really doesn't matter.

Brrr'Midji Here We Come

I have clothes in the dryer, birthday presents packed up, the homework load for the car stowed, the road trip tunes picked, and I'm just waiting for them to show up.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Gordon's Quote Of The Day:

"Columbus got the right church, but the wrong pew."

-Referring to Columbus "discovering" America, since he landed in the Western Hemisphere but not actually on North America proper.

Shout Out

This was going to be my "shout out" to Gordon who's article about conflicting civilizations and assimilation made the University paper today "above the fold" on the Opinions page, but the Chronicle's website hasn't been updated since May it seems.

When The World Runs Out...

...Of sanitized water, I'll know who to blame. My one roommate runs the dishwasher once everyday: whether or not it's full of dishes, whether or not you've taken your clean dishes out.

What if you leave your dirty dishes in the sink?

Forget about it.

If it's not in the dishwasher, it doesn't get washed. It gets shoved aside. So I now have crusty cups and super clean silverware.

Take that poor people everywhere who don't have houses, jobs, money, privilege, food, or clean drinking water.

Drunken Phone Calls and Albino Midgets

I was going to blog this Tuesday night after class, but I had this thing called homework to get done and I forgot. I had my first Hurl class, and I think it's going to be a lot of work, but a lot of fun too, even if it's a night class. My professor, who's kinda young started her lecture with an anecdote (not an antidote) about a student's drunken phone call from the Red Carpet at 1:30 in the morning, and ended it with another student trying to apply Human Relations to Albino Midgets. Oh, this class is going to be interesting.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Bust Like A Bus, Butt Like A Bear

I thought it would be fun to have a new sundress for Toshia's birthday party. And it just so happened that Bri was tossing out some clothes, including a couple of dresses that fit the bill.

One was a cute flowered strapless number that wouldn't fit over my nonexistent butt and straight as a ruler hips.

The other had these beautiful angled stripes that made my chest look like a bus advertisement. You know those wraparound skins they have on the Metro buses. Yeah. Those.

Red Wave In Gym Class

Ya know, I really thought I'd finished with this dilemma in high school.

I'm Buried In Books.

Somebody please help me out. History, information media, health, astronomy, not to mention that health book I haven't ordered yet, AND there's always Johanna Lindsey's A Loving Scoundrel that I'm willingly reading. They just keep stacking up. Oh crap. I forgot hurl.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Some More Families To Pray For

Slope Collapse Kills 3 Concert-goers

The Need To Prioritize

I just realized that since I have my night class tonight, I really can't do my homework for my tomorrow classes tonight. Please explain to me how I thought I was going to manage that?

What The?

I'm not quite sure what's going on in my living room, but it sounds like there is a bible group meeting taking place and they're reading the bible as a rap or something.

I'm religious and I am active in my religion, but this is even into the bizarre for me.

A Week

a week I tell ya. In a little over seven days I will be serenaded by a modern day guitar god.

Pornography Handout

Today in my Phy Ed class, Troy from Health Services visited to do his spiel. He made up a hand out about hepatitis, meningitis, and self-exams. It just so happened that there way a diagram of how to conduct a testicular exam on one side.

When he told the class to view the hand out penis side down some snickers escaped.

When he said to flip it over to the pornographic side, more chuckles erupted.

When he told the "members of the audience with testicles" to check themselves for lumps in the billions of times they grab their nuts in a month, the entire bleacher section exploded in laughter.

It was like being at a comedy club, even if it was all at the expense of the male of our species.

A Little Something For Toshia

Straight out of my Astronomy Book in a box labeled: Common Misconceptions

Sun Signs

You Probably know your astrological "sign." When astrology began a few thousand years ago, your sign was supposed to represent the constellation in which the Sun appeared on your birth date. However, this is no longer the case for most people. For example, if your birthday is the spring equinox, March 21, a newspaper horoscope will show that your sign is Aries, but the Sun appears in Pisces on that date. In fact, because of precession, your astrological sign generally corresponds to the constellation in which the Sun would have appeared on you birth date if you had lived about 2,000 years ago. The astrological signs are based on the positions of the Sun among the stars as described by the Greek scientist Ptolemy in his book Tetrabiblios, which was written in about AD150.

-The Solar System: The Cosmic Perspective 3rd Edition Bennett/Donahue/Schneider/Voit

Channeling Anna

Last night my car died. Still, I forged on, and me and Tosh managed to talk Ben into lending us his car (which has this really wicked stuff on the windshield that makes the rain bead up and slide off!).

Anyway, Tosh went to get the keys, and Ben sorta smiled at her and said, "Nuh-uh, this is for the ones with a license only." He then said that if I got into an accident the car was stolen. LOL.

So we troop out the door, when suddenly, Tosh stops and darts back into the apartment.

"Uh, Ben..."

"Do you need to know which key is which?"

"No. Which CAR is yours?"

That Hazel Cracks Me Up.

Taken from's Hot Dish column:

Joe Nichols received a case of Patron Tequila's platinum series as a thanks for the mention in his single, "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off." Somebody should sing, "My gas tank is on empty."

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Congratulations Saints!

Today, everybody is a New Orleans Saints fan.

It's Gonna Be A Long Season

Where should I start?

I'm so very proud of our suped up defense, especially my favorite former Packer who scored our only touchdown. The D has proven that they can deliver. Now it's time for our offense to settle down and step up to the plate. Dante doesn't handle pressure well. He needs to settle into his leadership position and command his team. To help him with this goal, the offensive line needs to buck up and do some protecting. They had more holes than a colander today and kept crumpling like a paper cup.

Game balls go to Darren Sharper who was all over the field and Jermane Wiggins who kept putting up points only to get them dragged back.

Better Luck next week, Boys.

Alright Boys,

Let's get that roll on! Go Purple!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Amazing Things That Morning Brings

I am human now. Mostly. After last night's rip roaring drunk fest, I am now awake and can actively do things, much unlike the drive to work this morning. While Tosh, the marathon retcher, might have moved slowly down stairs this morning, she had nothing on my snail pace walk to work. I mean, seriously. A two minute walk that took me fifteen?...Really didn't showcase my kinetic capabilities.

Since I got pushed once again into Sober Cab last night (mainly because of my giant fat tissue filled boobs and our inability to factor my 6 am work shift into the equation) Tosh in her cute drunken ramblings is insisting I'm not driving next weekend. And we all know that like Becky and Lola, what Toshia wants Toshia gets. No complaints here.

And a shout out to my wonderful friend Anthony for the sugar rush this morning. Staying awake for over 24 hours (27 to be exact) really isn't my forte.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Bad Day/Good Day

It started this morning with a phone call and a cry for a ride, then me locking my keys in my room. Two classes latter I begged my ADA to let me in.

Since then, I've found THREE books at a reduced rate at the book fair, and ran into a classmate that's giving me some of her resources from last semester.

I've made it to most of my classes now. It's going to be a busy and exciting semester. Perhaps the fact that Tosh has managed to talk me into minoring in psych and summer classes may be in the picture only add to the excitement.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Stakes Will Be High.

CMA nominations announced today. November is approaching fast. Leanne Womack rocked with 6 noms, Keith has 4 noms, and Sugarland ranked for "Baby Girl." And as Toshia said, " The Warren Brothers have a better chance at losing this year because they've gotten more recognition for their work." Or something to that effect.

Well Ladies, place your bets, because the game has begun.


Busy day.

Early start to pick up and read my lab manual.

Phy Ed.

Galler's class where I'll get to see Gordon and the rest of the history gang.

Library run to return overdue movie.

Sleep. Blissful sleep.

Blinkity Blink Blink Blink

I am tired. I went to my classes, and think I may actually be pleasantly surprised by them this semester. I've got a bunch of people I know in some classes...And I've got a house full of people. Becky, Eric, and Tosh are over. Becky to make cookies for Eric's parents, and Eric has been tapped to make us supper.

I do however, believe we have pissed off one of the new roomies. I had the gang over and she knew they were here. When we moved into the kitchen to bake however, she seemed a little miffed. She had invited friends over for dinner. It all turned out well because Eric is such a people person, and Becky even did their dishes, but I still think she was sorta...Unhappy with the situation. I guess I'll have to keep ya'll posted on the situation.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Attack of the Leprosy Bugs

I went to the building meeting, and it was dark, chilly, and buggy. So mosquito infested that my back looks like I've contracted chicken pox, or leprosy. And it itches like you wouldn't believe.

Hee, Hee, Hee

I bought my barstool!

Let The Gilmore Games Begin!

Tonight is the re-cap of the season finale of Gilmore Girls. It's also my mandatory building meeting night, the night before the first day of class, and my first day of work. Tosh is even staying over to celebrate.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Rockin' and Rollin'

I just got back from seeing the Johnny Holms Band and running into a bunch of people I know around campus. I've finally got the room mostly put together. Sorta. I HAVE officially moved in though. I promise to post some pics for Erin, Angel, and Mel to see since they are WAY up North. (Heh, heh, heh)

Izzy however, I don't think is in quite as good of shape. She's being persnickety, and I really hope she quits acting up before the 20th. (Only 15 days to go!)

I start my new job tomorrow at ten. So everybody stop by Sherburne and say "Hi."

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Thanks Trace!

Shauna came in late today, and when I commented that I had to go out for lunch today because I got in and slept late, she profered up her lunch because her friend Trace asked her out for lunch today. Lol. Don't worry. I paid her in cookies!

How Sweet is this?

*yanked from Dierks's website

Dierks Cobain Canada!!!!
August 30, 2005
{dispatch from the road} just talked to cody and he and shannon delivered a healthy boy...6 pounds 7 10:45am! I'm sure he arrived into the world flashing the rock and roll two finger salute....congrats to cody and shannon and cross canadian ragweed.

Headed For A Sugar Crash

My day off yesterday was fabulous! I woke up late, packed my beach bag, Anna came over, and we were off to meet Tosh, Chris, and Eric at the lake. After a spin in the boat, Eric tried his hand at starting the grill. With the help of the four of us, a picnic table, and a kindly camper, Eric, the fabulous cook that he is, prepared us hamburgers san ketchup. lol.

Then we headed over to Eric's house where I met his roomies and I once again caught the end of The Devil's Advocate (I really should see the thing from the begining.) Once Becky got off work, we ate pizza and watched The Incredibles (That was totally WICKED!). I got to see the kittens, got badgered into powder sugaring cookies, officially met Tyler, and got tired and crabby when I didn't leave by my new bedtime (damned summer job).

So this morning I'm downing water, soda, and cookies (Thanks Beck!) just wating for my entire system to crash. Trust me. It will.