Monday, September 26, 2005


I think I am coming unhinged.

Let's see...

I think I'll start with the fact that my student files are inaccessible.

My printer wouldn't work for me this morning before I left for class. I'm sure I'm going to return to six copies of my IM short writing assignment sitting in my printer tray.

I'm behind on my course readings and I have a bazillion IM articles to read and they all seem to be 15 or more pages long.

I managed to rip a chunk of wallpaper off the wall in my closet and if I don't want to pay damages, I'm going to have to figure out how to glue it back up so it looks like it hasn't happened.

My roommate hogs the dishwasher and I actually have two entire boxes of dishes to wash, which would fill the damn thing up...Something she has a problem doing no matter how many plates she eats her dinner off of.

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