Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Just Squeezing In

I'd love to give you guys a fully involved play by play of all the funny and embarrassing and even some that involve Nodak animals, but I'm in the middle of the week before finals week madness. The only reason I have time to pen you, my adoring public, this little love scrap is because my HURL speaker (heh heh heh. That sounds FABULOUS) has called in sick (Big GRIN) and so class got cancelled. I unfortunately have forgotten some of my readings, so I've got a bit of time to burn before Kayla gets through the Market line down in the food court.

I promise that as of late, late, late tonight I will have caught you all up on the goings on in my world. And I promise to leave out how I've been subsisting on frapachinos and cheetos. God. That almost sounds like the Brittany Spears diet. I think it's in for some major change because I'm aiming ALOT higher than KFed.

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