Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Which Chromosome Do Men Have Again?

This question came up when I was relating all of my new found quirky knowledge to Toshia today. And just where did I get this knowledge that would make most people shoot pop out their nostrils? Why Do Men Have Nipples? by Mark Leyner and Billy Goldberg.

While the commentary and witty banter between the two author's isn't always that funny, the questions are continuously of the "There is no way I'm asking my Doctor that!" sort of questions. From Is sperm fattening? To Why do I have bad Breath in the morning? Every obscure and weird drunken musing is answered.


I have noticed, that some of the answers skirt the question a bit, or don't answer it in a very satisfying way, but you should totally buy this book to sit on your coffee table for when the gang comes over for some "cold ones" because it's a laugh a minute.

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