Tuesday, January 30, 2007

GG Tonight

To Whom It May Concern

Noticing Sookie's (Melissa McCarthy) recent odd behavior, Lorelai (Lauren Graham) forces Jackson (Jackson Douglas) to tell her the reason.

Luke (Scott Patterson) and Anna (Sherilyn Fenn) attend a hearing to decide their custody battle over April (Vanessa Marano).

With help from Paris (Liza Weil), Rory (Alexis Bledel) finally makes amends with Lucy (Krysten Ritter), who tells her that she and Marty (Wayne Wilcox) have broken up. While attending Richard's (Edward Herrmann) economics class at Yale, Rory witnesses a frightening scene.

Finally, Christopher (David Sutcliffe) finds the letter Lorelai wrote for Luke's character reference and confronts Lorelai about whether he was her second choice.

Jamie Babbit directed the episode written by David Babcock.

GG Scoop

I snatched this from my Yahoo Group who I'm sure snatched it from TV Guide so by now it's really just some plagiarism...

How much clout does Lauren Graham have over at Gilmore Girls these days? You'll find out in the opening minutes of tomorrow night's episode, when the Emmy-shunned actress receives a perk that has long eluded her: a producing credit.

Warner Bros. and the CW declined comment, but one of my deeply imbedded Stars Hollow moles confirms that Graham will be listed as a producer beginning with Tuesday's episode. My spy says the promotion was most likely a precursor to formal contract-extension talks with Graham. (Her deal with the show ends this season.) "It's a step in the right direction," says my source.

In an interview last June, Graham made no secret of her desire to see her Gilmore role expand. "I would like to be a producer on the show, but that's not anything [Warner Bros.] is gonna let me do," she said at the time. "I think, at this point, any request [might lead to a] 'Well, if you want something then we want an eighth season' kind of thing."

In that same Q&A, Graham also said she'd "never" do the show without TV daughter Alexis Bledel by her side. But what if Bledel were to drop in during, oh, say, November, February and May? As I reported in Ask Ausiello last week, that's one of several life-sustaining Gilmore scenarios the network and studio are said to be throwing around should Bledel nix a full-time commitment.

The wild card in all this? Scott Paterson, whose deal also expires in May and is rumored to be angling for a hefty raise. Suddenly, last year's ill-fated Team Palladino negotiations are looking like a walk in the park with Paul Anka.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Tight and Close

Dierks Bently shaves his lovely curly locks in his new video for "Long Trip Alone" and I totally dig the new short shaved head. Very sexy.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Weekly GG Scoop

Tonight is a repeat of the Merry Fisticuffs episode where Luke and Chris rumble. New episodes should be showing up next week.

Dead Tired

I just got home from my student teaching orientation and I'm dead tired. I cannot imagine how I'm going to feel tomorrow. I'm just guessing here, but it's prolly not going to be energized!


You guys are so awesome. I still can't believe I jumped and screamed. Shauna you totally have to see the tape from my surprise birthday party!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Lazy Ass

How the heck am I supposed to get up at 6am-ish for school when I can't even get up before 10 on break? I've GOT to hurry up and break this habit. I tell ya. Give in to it once and you are SCREWED!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Monday, January 08, 2007

Random Question

Why do American Express cards have Roman Soldiers on them?

Saturday, January 06, 2007

RE: Extreme Sledding

Not only do I ache all over, but I recently found a gigantic (think circumfrence of an orange) beauty mark the color of rotten eggplant in a place that normally only models and plunging necklines normally expose.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Good Times, Good Times

Departure: 10:15 pm

32.9* for 6 blocks in heels

$1.50 Miller's and Smirnoff

Acoustic McKinley Place

That hot dude in the black stocking hat at the bar ignoring the girl he was there with.

Diabolical plans involving duct tape and a cattle prod

Fourth meal at Perkins

"That's worse than a dumb beaver!"

5* for 6 blocks home with pancakes-to-go to keep the fingers warm

Arrival: 2:30 am

Breakfast: 1:15 pm Perkins leftovers and America's Next Top Model marathon

Extreme Sledding

Oh, man am I getting old. I can feel it in my back, arms, and thighs.

You Should See That Other Bitch!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


This morning I woke up to watch Gerald Ford's funeral, and surprisingly enough cried during it. I wanted to smack all the camera crews who kept panning Poor Betty Ford who had to suck it up and present a facade to the world because she's a First Lady and a role model and This was the Public's funeral. And man, once Bill Clinton started crying my waterworks started.

I also wondered what all of the other Presidents were thinking when the Eulogists praised President Ford for his honesty, integrity, mercy, and lack of agenda and revenge. It seemed like good ole newscaster Tom was getting in a couple of digs, or at least that's how I saw it. Naughty me.

Funeral Schedule