Tuesday, March 13, 2007


One of my bestest friends in the entire world decided to visit her family. Now normally I would be all, Woo-Hoo! for her, but she decided to do it not only over my Graduation from college ceremony, but also over my Graduation par-tay in NoDak.

She tried to make it better by buying me cake.

It might have worked.

Maybe I should have let her spring for the bread and milk...


Toshia said...

Hey now! I tried to talk you into letting me buy you your necessities of bread and milk...but noooo, you wouldn't go for it!

And I'm still sorry about that whole scheduling snaffoo. I do love you! And I had every intention of going to your graduation...stupid wrong calendar to look at...

Lightning Girl said...

I know, I know. But if you can't complain in a blog...

Toshia said...

Yeah yeah yeah, I know. Complain away, I deserve it.