Having goofy work hours like from 6-9am then 4-5pm.
The amenities in my apartment: dishwasher, stove, $1 laundry machines next door, a roomate that bakes me cookies, cable, free newspapers, high-speed internet
Not having to pick up after myself unless people are over, coming over, or have just left
Having friends next door, across the street, and down the block
Thirsty Thursdays
Not feeling like a freak if I choose to stay up until 4 am or go to bed at 11
Walking to the library
Ah, it's just nostalgia kicking in since I've got dial-up going...it'll stop I'm sure. Maybe, ya know. Once I get a damned job or atleast hear back from one of the trillion places I've applied. School keeps looking better and better even if all I'd be doing is shoving my head in the sand.