I know a good time when I see one / And when I'm in the mood I can even be one / I can lead the parade or I can stop it / Sometimes I dance in the boat just to rock it
*from The Kinleys' Just Between You and Me album.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Working for a Living
I've been so incommunicado lately because I've been doing the working thing. Lots of hours have been put into the part-time job as we prepare for opening the new store (just three more weeks to go! I've been inside and let me just say...FABULOUS!) Also, I've picked up a couple of substituing days. I've decided that I don't hated 9th graders. I just do no enjoy the 2011 class at one of my school districts. They are mostly giant boogers that need to be wiped out. Or at least get a big tough love lesson in R-E-S-P-E-C-T from Miss Aretha herself.
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