Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Happy Birthday!!!

Today is Keith Urban's birthday. I know not everyone is as excited as me, but... I don't know.

Last night Toshia stayed up to finish her math homework. At 12 o something I was like "hey, today's keith's birthday" and she's like "hey he's almost old enough to be your father." Well, that is not quite true. Other of my favorites, like Viggo, are much closer.

So today, click on one of my Keith links, listen to one of his songs, request it on the radio, watch a video, bake him a cake, send me free tickets to see him at the Northrup in December. Just do something to celebrate.

And hey, this could be you're reason to drink to day. Go raise a glass to the musical genious who deserves to win the Male Vocalist CMA.

Which is coming up in November. Oh, I can hear the money rolling in already.

Did I mention he's 37 today, and he's playing a concert. It's so unfair I don't get to sing him happy birthday. Unfair. Unfair.

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