Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Wild Weekend

You never know what will happen with Becky around, which is how I ended up with seven people piled into my car and how come I attended a softball game to watch a group of guys I met the night before. One of which was my "hottie" of the night. Although, he doesn't look so hot once he's wearing a blue and red softball uniform. Oh, and he was married. That sorta kills the hotness factor right there, doesn't it.

Oooh, The intrigue

'Deep Throat' revealed

Friday, May 27, 2005

Finish this Sentence:

Today at work I. . .

played with a CD wrapper opener.

End of the Marking Period

I got my grades back.
And they look so pretty!

Intro to Sociology A+
American Immigration A
China since 1800 A-
Concepts/Theories in History A
Native Americans in curriculum A

My GPA however, hasn't budged (fuey).


As should be apparent by now, this past weekend I went to my sister's graduation.

*snarky smile*

And it was fun!

My sister graduated third in her class, so she had to speak. She had mentioned earlier that I was in her speech. She did not however tell me how, exactly, I was portrayed. When she said, "Thanks to Lisa for teaching me not to stand up in a canoe." I lost it. I was howling with laughter. My dad was elbowing me and stage whispering "shut up you're really loud." Which only set me off more.

Later that day, at the grad party, all these people kept coming up to me and asking about the canoe. I just kinda shrugged and said it was a long story...it's really not. When I was like 12 we went to Silver Lake, and I somehow managed to tip the canoe over in like six inches of water. It's not exactly a shining moment of my dexterity, but it served as a humorous moment in Mel's speech along with TV not rotting Eliza's brain, and Vanessa being a wacky little weirdo.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

check in

I'm going to cheat tomarrow and write a nice deal about Mel's graduation at work. Tonight I'm just checking out my new net accout. I've got ten hours a month, so we'll see how this works.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Make it Stop!

Three monitors latter and my screen STILL won't stop flickering.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Congrats Keith! (part 2)

I almost forgot! Making Memories of Us finally reached number 1! So Keith now has SIX number ones and TWO of them are off of Be Here! I definitely think he's have a good week this week.

A Bit of Blogging on Break

I'm taking a quick "Lunch" break right now. Hee Hee. More like I'm taking twenty minutes to goof off because checking publishing is a giant black hole and I've been doing it most of today. Ek. Now I think I'm going to give my list of tracks to burn to CD a whirl. LOL.

Congrats Keith!

At last night's ACM's Keith took home (or rather he won and they're being shipped to his home since he's currently on tour in the UK) Top Male Vocalist and Album of the Year for Be Here.

I was quite saddened by the fact that I missed his telecast performance of Days Go By from Northern Ireland. I also missed his acceptance speech for album, but I got to see the absolute shock for Male Vocal and his genuine giddiness when Kenny won Entertainer (which Keith was also nominated for). And Tosh got to see Dierks perform, so she was pretty happy too.

Note to All Aspiring Songwriters

DO NOT begin a song title with the words Rain or Time. There are FAR TOO many already.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


I'm sneaking a few minutes here at my fabulous summer job to say "Hi!" My eyeballs are about to cross themselves because I've been working in Excel all day. I suppose I should get back to researching my catalogue, right now I'm working through a couple albums from the Flamin' Groovies. Half an hour till quitting time, so I should prolly get back to looking.


Friday, May 13, 2005

Lot of Leaving Left to Do

and a lot of waiting too. I'm just sitting here chillin' to Dierks's new album. Everything except for the phone, my computer, and today's newspaper has been moved out, and now I'm just waiting to check out of this place.

I still have to run over to Copies Plus and pick up my final project, but Me and Tosh have already said adios to Anthony and there's talk of hitting the liquor store on the way home, or rather after we get home and unload.

I guess this is it until I get myself online again. When that'll be is still a mystery I guess.

Moving Out

Clean Desk...check.
Empty closet...check.
Ball up bedding...check.
Packing everything in the car...Damn.

Thursday, May 12, 2005


The only thing noteworthy about Shania Twain's new video for I ain't no Quitter is the hot dancer guy in the black hat. MMMmmm baby. Break me off a piece of that.

The Problem with the Weather

It is wet.

And cold.

And I went to Target and spent more money than I should have. Then I stepped in a puddle and got cold water on my butt, which I had to sit on the entire drive back. Only to step in another puddle on the way to lunch.

Yes. Again with the wet butt.

Thoughts Before Bed

Black isn't sliming for everyone. If you weighted 400 lbs, slimming off a mere pound really doesn't do much. The only thing slimming, would be a invisibility cloak.


I have completed all of my finals for the spring 2005 semester. Now it's time to party. Except that Tosh has just started taking her finals, so I guess it's going to have to be a party of one (or three if Billy and Shania join.)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Please tell me how I got a hit on my blog for a search on "spiderman rap dancing." Please, oh, please. There HAS to be an answer to THAT one.

*rolls eyes obnoxiously*

Wake Up Call For Romance Haters

I know every once in a while I get in to an annoying argument with friends about how my romance novels are a bunch of fluff. I have now found the proof that I'm not just some weird, pie-eyed, cotton brain. Check out this NY Time op ed piece. It eloquently says everything I always try to say. I mean it should. It was written by an English professor.

Better Late Than Never

I think I'm still getting over the shock, but Congrats to Renee and Kenny for their suprise nuptials. I know Keith and Kenny are good buddies, so here's some well wishing from this Urbanite. Kenny's been country's hottest bachelor for so long it's kinda weird. I guess Keith is just going to have to take up that title.

*laughs deviously up sleeve*

Here's the link for article and pics.

My Heart Thumps a Little Harder Too.

I was reading the threads on the .net webboard and ran into this cute little anecdote on a thread by IlookgoodinMyshirt called Keith almost Kills Aussie Fan!:

On an Australian Reality TV show last night, 10th May, the show was about paramedics going about their nightly emergency routine.

Keith nearly killed a fan in Melbourne!!!!

The show showed the ambulance racing to a concert where a girl in her early 20's needed emergency care and then be rushed to hospital. She was wheeled out on the gurney past the 'KEITH URBAN TONIGHT' signs.

The girl's father reckoned that the base was so load that it vibrated her heart into arrest. The paramedic said that was probably baloney. What really happened was that she got so excited that she gave herself an enormous hit of adrenalin and had a heart palpitations big-time.

Yes Keith gets the girls SO excited that their hearts REALLY do break.

I saw it on TV and its true!


That is just wrong and funny on WAY to many levels. I really do love my Keith though.

Cracking the Dawn continued

Why does the expression "crack of dawn" make me think of eggs?

Cracking the Dawn

I got up at the crack of dawn this morning to finish up my Final Project for my Ethnic Studies class, and now that I've got it semi finished, I realize I don't have the final until 6:30 tonight, and my other final is at like 1, so I would have had plenty of time to finish it if I would have slept in like Tosh is currently doing.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

See What Happens?

Yesterday, I finished my China Final and came back to an e-mail from the Amazing Lauren about how I won this month's street team contest, and I didn't even blog about it. Nope. I started on a bit of homework, then I settled down to read Dream of Me by Lisa Cach.

And now it's Tuesday and instead of finishing up my final project, I'm sitting half naked blogging about yesterday while waiting for Becky to show up to run errands.

Now I'm going to find a shirt and curl up with Eloisa James's Much Ado About You.

You didn't really thing I was going to wander about town half naked did you?

Sunday, May 08, 2005

But I Don't Wanna

I'm studying for my China final tomorrow, but I really would rather be doing almost anything else.

*Deep Breath*

Back to my notecards and the Great Leap Forward. Oh, and for those interested, I got a 94 on my dreaded, last minute China term paper. I reviewed Wang Ping's Aching for Beauty: Footbinding in China. Good times.

By The Way. . .

the brats won. And they were GooooooooD!

That's Funny.

The spell checker doesn't recognize meatball as a word. It keeps asking me if I want to replace it with mothball. MMMmmm mothballs. That's funny.

Just in time for dinner

I fell asleep studying for my China final. And woke up when Erin and Tosh started Im-ing each other because I somehow got included in the conversation. Don't ask me how. The details are pretty fuzzy.

Anyhow, right now Tosh is scrubbing her teeth so we can run to the grocery store for some food. I think I want brats. Doesn't that sound good? I'm not sure yet. Tacos sound pretty nummalicious too. Or meatballs. MMMmmm meatballs.

It's official, I'm hungry now.

A man with almost enough flaws

Snitched from an article located here.

What makes Anderson's redneck ethos so surprising is that he has such a strong and take-charge academic background. He was first in his class at Oklahoma State University, where, in 1990, he earned an engineering degree, compiling in the process a 3.9 grade point average. One of his brothers is a rocket scientist.

"You can be a genius," Anderson retorts, "and still like to have sex and party."

Now if only he were younger, less famous, drove a wicked motorcycle, and lived here. . .is that too much to ask?

So, Uh, Late Nite?

Friday, me and the fantabulous twosome (that would be Anna and Tosh) went to Pov's to see the toothsome and talented Keith Anderson. Yes. That's Keith Anderson, not Urban, but the two are no where near each other in the chambers of my devoted heart.

He played and showed himself to be an enchanting entertainer, a crowd pleaser, and an all around fun guy. At the end of his set, he came out to sign our CD's. When it came time for mine, his manager/assistant/really tall handler guy was talking to him, so he sort of signed my CD and moved on to Anna's. The next thing I know, he looks up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes and says, "Hey thanks." How sweet is that?

The bar was packed with people and there wasn't any spare seating, so we ditched it for some dinner at Denny's, who's honey mustard really sucks and looks like monkey snot.

By ten thirty, we were on the road home, so we stopped at Coburns and picked up Wimbledon staring Kirsten Dunst (ick) and Paul Bettany (Those blue eyes are so scrummy!) and some wine coolers. I was home by 1 and tired as hell. I think it may have had something to do with moving mostly out earlier in the day.


First I fell off the bed. Then I stepped in a bowl. Oh, the indignities life will throw at me yet today. When it starts like this (well ACTUALLY it started with Toshia squealing on the phone with Becky) you know it's going to be a good one.

Ah, Back in Business

I guess I inadvertantly took a leave of absence. It wasn't really anything I sat about thinking to do, I just go so busy and would think of blogworthy things, but other stuff would get in the way and that would be the end. I'm back now.

Well, for atleast a week.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Final Stretch

All I have left is two final exams, a final project and presentation to complete, and a paper to finish, along with moving out. I'm almost done!

It's That Time Again

First week of May can only mean one thing: Kentucky Derby Day.

Derby, Oaks, Oh my.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Ah, Freedom

Well, actually it's just a break from the craziness. My class ended early, so I'm going to kick back and put the book chase I was planning on later tonight off until tomorrow morning. Freedom's almost mine.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Toshia's Fault

Tosh keeps emailing me because her work is stupid and doesn't have messengers.

Anyhow, I'm trying to get her to read See Jane Score because Luc is such a hottie in that book. And I made the comment about how I need to track down Sabrina the Teenaged Witch and get her boy dough recipe. Did anyone see that episode where she bakes herself a date that looked stunningly like Brian Austin Green? There was also this spell the Aunts called Randy Travis, where you said the person's name three times really fast and they would appear.

That's beside the point though. My point was that if I could have any book character come to life, Luc would totally be on that list, even more so if he was played by Brad Pitt.

Where's Pumba When You Need Him?

I left empty handed for our floor luau, and I came back with a soda, a beach towel, two, count them, two paper umbrellas, sugared up with a whole new attitude. (and a Killer headache.)

Movie Review: Friday Night Lights

Today while Tosh was at work, I finally got around to watching Friday Night Lights, staring Billy Bob Thorton and Tim McGraw.

What can I say. It's a football movie. It's about some boys down in Texas playing football, where, we've all heard it before, football is serious business. Friday Night Lights is grittier and not as happy as the spirit lifting Remember the Titans, or as comical and eye-candy filled Varsity Blues. The best part hands down was Tim McGraw's portrayal of an alcoholic bastard. It still has it's charm though.

One of those charms would be the ever adorable Garrett Hedlund (Patroclus from Troy with Mr. Sex on Legs), who as it turns out is from my very fine state of Minnesota. I guess I can find me some hottie hometown boys too.

*Takes a minute to fan self*

Another delectable person to watch, and melt at the knees when you listen to him talk is Lucas Black. MMMmmm, I sure love a boy with an accent.

One Down. . .Oh, Crap!

Well. My China paper is finished. Now on to the next of the twelve projects to finish by the end of next week. Starting with my Financial Aid papers. Yippie for me.

Don't sneak up on Unsuspecting Garbage Cans

On the way to class, I kept hearing these little noises. Ya know, like mice in the wall? Well, I go to toss something in the garbage can, and out pops a squirrel. I wasn't sure who was more freaked, me that he was going to bite off my fingers or him who was afraid I was going to club him with an empty pop bottle.

I tell ya. Me and animals. It's a curse.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

For Dumbness

My blog is publishing weird today. Please forgive the fifty multiple posts that are going to sit there for awhile.

Thank you.

Now excuse me while I go choke something.

I Wanna Eat Stale Buns Damn It!

After not eating much of anything all day, I came back from the library (paper done but sans conclusion, have to ruminate on that for a bit.) starving. As I dial my Daddy to call him back, I go about making myself a peanut butter hamburger. (That would be peanut butter on a hamburger bun for all you gourmet chefs out there.)

Half an hour later Tosh repremands me for not twisting and tucking the bag. (It's an unspoken rule that it doesn't need a twist tie after half the bag is empty. Psshta!) I turned to her and yelled, "title" and we burst into giggles as I sat down to blog about our stupidness.

*title would be "I wanna eat stale buns damn it!" in case you weren't quick on the uptake.

Library Blues

I've done it.

I've finally started the actually writhing process for my China paper, and I even have a few ideas about where I plan to take it. However, right now I'm explaining the actual process of footbinding, which I find nauseating. Plus, I'm rather hungry right now, not exactly two things that combine very well.

Ah, Billy just ran into me. He's this guy that was once in two of my classes, but now is only in my Immigrant America class. He has a tendency to be stuck on all things drinking and pleasurable in that class. I swear everyday "Irish Whiskey" is brought up by him at some point.

Anyhow. Break over. Back to the disgusting practice of footbinding.

Today's Plans a Bust

My original plan was to see Diamondback and the other bands at the Mississippi Music Fest, but it's pretty darn cold outside (36*) and Tosh is refusing to budge from her bed. Ah, I guess it just gives me more time to work on my China paper. Yes. It is still not done yet. But it will be by Monday morning. (We're at the do or die point right now. )