Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Tuesday 'tude

I watched tonite's Gilmore Girls and couldn't be more happy. This Loreli and Luke thing, it's so cute and has my stamp of approval. I'm not big on Rory and Dean. Personally, I don't think Jared Padalecki or however it's spelt, is hot. I'm a big fan of Naked Guy aka Marty. He really works as a potential love intrest.

They also introduced a new dude. Logan I believe his name is. Not sure I like the actor. Love the 'tude. I like 'tudey guys. I also like dirty guys. Well, not dirty but dirty you know? That still is messed up. Ah, I got it! I like dirty guys not scrubby guys. Viggo Mortensen not Kid Rock. The new guys' just too. Clean I guess. My mom likes those clean babyfaced types. Ick.

Hum. One Tree Hill is going. And staying intruging enough for me to remain an avid fan. The Nathan and Hailey thing is adorible, but being married in highschool is a bit out of my knowledge zone. Still one of Chad's fans. He's a babe. And strangely, is only bordering my dirty guy thing. Some days he has it, some days he doesn't.

Right. Going to go read a Meg Cabbot book. It's my first adult contemporary of hers. Called She went all the Way, I believe. It's the third book I've read with an actor in it in a row. Must find a new character hero type soon. Macho actor boys are getting to me.

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