Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Alternate Reality Tv

I don't know who the heck came up with reality tv, but they should be sued like the Tobacco people. Reality tv is bad for you. Not only is it mostly fake, and give "15 minutes of fame" people WAY too much time in the spot light, they suck you in with the cheeze factor.

Yes. That's cheeze with a Z. A double Z. As big and gooey nacho cheezy as you can get.

Where is this going you ask?

Toshia once again suckered me into watching Mr. Romance. I know complete cheeze factor, off the scales even. It gets so bad sometimes that I can't even stand to watch. Tosh was hooked on Adam this week instead of the cute Oregon native Andrew. Me, I kinda went for Bruce. He's got that dirrty guy thing I like. And Charles...Man, the boy has the face of a poet and the brains of a dead sea gull stuffed with sawdust.

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