Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Blinkity Blink Blink Blink

I am tired. I went to my classes, and think I may actually be pleasantly surprised by them this semester. I've got a bunch of people I know in some classes...And I've got a house full of people. Becky, Eric, and Tosh are over. Becky to make cookies for Eric's parents, and Eric has been tapped to make us supper.

I do however, believe we have pissed off one of the new roomies. I had the gang over and she knew they were here. When we moved into the kitchen to bake however, she seemed a little miffed. She had invited friends over for dinner. It all turned out well because Eric is such a people person, and Becky even did their dishes, but I still think she was sorta...Unhappy with the situation. I guess I'll have to keep ya'll posted on the situation.

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