Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Book Glue Is Smelling Good Tonight

I coerced Tosh into going to B&N. I wanted to go to Target, but they close SO FREAKIN' early. So we went and she gave into temptation and bought loads of books. I was more conservative, and only picked up one book by a new author so, well have to wait and see.

I'm so completely insanely wired. I'm going to end up burning myself out this weekend. I can already see it coming. There isn't even a ball game to suck all of it out. Damn it.

And it's so pretty out. Tosh complains that it's too cold, but it's only 34 degrees out. That's not even freezing out yet. Although, today I did have a hankering for my boots, so if I get laundry done, I'm totally going to look hot and tough.

Tosh is complaining she's tired. That's prolly my cue to wrap this up since I'm kicking my ass out of bed sorta early for her. And apparently she wants to do "only one entry" so me and Miranda are gonna be done for now. (Kerosene ROCKS!)

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