Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Here Sicky Sicky

I woke up to the most uncomfortable thing this morning: The fact that I am dog sick.

I NEVER get sick. I'm one of those lucky bastards who carry the virus around and give it to everyone, but never actually get sick. I have a horribly sore throat and a sorta rattly cough that hurts like heck, but no other real symptoms. No runny nose, no stuffed sinuses. Not even a headache really. A slight temp and this horrendous want to constantly be asleep seem to be the only other things wrong.

Now I have to find time to make it over to Target (most likely tomorrow) for some orange juice, vitamin C drops, some cough syrup, and if my bank account still looks healthy, Teri Clark's new album. Until then, it's class time and I'm slugging down LOTS of water.

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