Saturday, December 17, 2005

Toshia Was Talking To Drunk Boys!!!

Nothing of import happened to me, except I kept accidentally hitting Anna in the face while we were dancing on a crowed dance floor.

Anna on the other hand. . .

-fell flat on her posterior on the dance floor.

-was recruited to dance by a guy that was so scrubby he must be Kevin Federline's relative.

-got an ice cube tossed in her lap curtisey of me that was almost sent down Toshia's pants, however the fact that Tosh is at the bottom of her wardrobe saved her.

-was forced to dance with Toshia's drunk boys' friend, who was a little too boa constrictor for anybody's taste.

-And finally, couldn't hear enough to understand that drunk boys wanted her to howl.

Shame. Shame.

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