Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My Five Minutes

This blog entry is going to be my relaxing five minutes devoted all to myself today. This morning started out midnight when me and my roomies decorated the apartment for Hiley's 22nd birthday. We had banners, balloons, and crepe paper. Hopefully tonight we'll dig into that cake.

Then I hit the sack and woke up early to read my ELL chapters. This was quickly followed by some time poking around the BBC Learn English website because I have to evaluate it for a paper that's due at 11pm tonight.

Then I got to run to work and catch up on my Cogewea chapters for English. So right now I'm at the Library hoping I can hammer out the beginning of my ELL paper before I have to hit my bloc of classes today.

I'm going to be SO tired. Isn't it grand that I work at 6 tomorrow morning?

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