Friday, March 17, 2006

Come to Girls Night and You'll See What I Mean

Ro-ight (As Anna would say).

Now as Toshia and Erin are telling me that I'm going to be writing lies (well, at least Erin says so) I will only go for the highlights for now.

Like Trever, the PR guy who drives a Saturn, and his friend John who drink. A lot. And make excuses for insidious things (or potentially pervy things) like "accidentally" spilling his drink on Erin.

Toshia unplugged my alarm clock...And she's the one who needs it for her test tomorrow.

I had a talk with Kit the whole way back to the apartment where I accidentally ran Erin into a bush.

Krystle gets loud, physical, and REALLY funny when she's drunk. Her and Erin made fast friends. And popcorn doesn't go with vodka/cran.

Erin not only drooled on me at Perkin's, but also on our French fries and the last cheese stick.

There's also a certain fascination with The Press's bathroom walls.

Me, Tosh, and Krystle are planning on heading up to Burrrmidji next weekend. So I guess until then (or until later today when tonight gets rehashed again and again)...Vive Cuervo!!!

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