Saturday, March 11, 2006

Out of Body Ticket Buying Experience

This morning I was trying to get tickets to see Trent Wilmon on Wednesday for Tosh, Tiffy, and myself. After half an hour of dial, hang up, and redial. I answered the person who answered the phone on autopilot and when I hung up, had no idea what I'd just done.

So this afternoon, I called the station and told a white lie so they'd review my ticket info. I now have three tickets waiting for us Wednesday. But the funny part was the DJ and I were just yakking back and forth. Then he put me on hold while he introduced Joe Nichol's "tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off" before talking to me some more. After like five more minutes, he said he'd better hang up or he'd get in trouble.

What a bunch of goofs they've got working there. On Thursday when I called to request that Blake song, Jake told me he loved me. lol.

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