Monday, September 25, 2006

Gopher Girls

At the farm on Sunday, all of us garden ladies were working, none of the house ladies were on the schedule that day which was really fun for us (you know having run of the whole place for one *grin*).

Anyhow, I had to reset the gopher traps in the garden because those damned critters are in there digging in my herb bed. This was a new experience for me because I needed to learn how to set said traps.

Anyhow, on the way back up to the IC at the end of the day, Mary Lou taught me a song and the three of us (Me, Mary Lou, and Donna) sang it all the way up to the IC.

It goes like this:

We are the Gopher girls
because we Go-for guys
they never go-for us
we all ways go-for them
And when we go-for them
they always go-for home
We are the gopher girls
Please somebody go-for us!

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