Monday, October 09, 2006


I had to run to Toshia's and pick up her CD collection for a homework project (yes I did cave and do a Book soundtrack), go to the public library to drop things off and pick things up (I traded Christina Dodd's latest for a Katie Mac anthology and Windtalkers. MMM Adam Beach), and I had to hit up Target for some odds and ends (and Ice Cream which is all Toshia's fault).

Anyhow, today was a chore day, so I wondered around the apt in a brief pair of jean shorts and a long sleeve T. Since it was cold out, I just pulled a sweatshirt on for the trip.

That's right. Looking my scrubby best, who do I run into at Target? Mr. Wannabeo. He looked kinda, well. Like himself. Unkept (with weird ass hair) and it was a short and slightly uncomfortable chat, but I'm supposed to say hey to the gang. So, "Hey."

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