Friday, November 17, 2006

Big Day Teaching

So I'm starting to get a bit nervous about teaching today. I mean, I have all THREE hours. How scary is that?

I'm not too worried about 6th hour with the AP kids. I mean we're discussing how African-Americans during the Early republic are represented in our textbook. Totally something up my alley. All I'm doing is facilitating a discussion and asking probing questions. Easy as pie.

4th and 5th hour however, I'm lecturing on Progressive reforms. Gah! Lecturing. I've never "lectured" before. I mean, speeches, presentations, soapboxes, but is that really lecturing?

Apparently it's going to have to be enough.

And Lord knows I can yak for thirty minutes.

I'm just not sure how excellent I'm going to be at yakking at uninterested faces on a specific topic I'll be. With all thoughts about me raving on and on about Keith, I'm not sure 10th graders are going to be polite enough to stare into space, nod, smile, and indulge me.

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