Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I've got that restless feeling.....again

Well, technically, it never went away. I just, I dunno, masked it for awhile. Erg. Mebbe it did go away and now it's back because I've spent all day (except the past two and a half hours when I was at my South Africa history class) In the dorm.

I was a Beautiful rainy day. The type where a person should be curled up in bed with an awesome book. Did that. I finished reading Where There's Smoke by Sandra Brown (review to follow)

I followed that up by starting on my To Do list:

New cell number. Check.

SA Hist homework. Check.

Read Blogs, check e-mail. Check check.

Then I did the unthinkable. I got bored.

Now on a normal "bored" day, I'd flip on the television and watch HGTV or else I'd pack up my journal and stake out a prime observation spot on campus like the Miller Center or Atwood. This would lead to people watching and lots of incredibly funny and absurd vignettes.

Nope. I moped around my room. And yelled at my printer which won't work.

tomorrow, I NEED to get out. The little green men are starting to talk to me again.

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