Monday, September 27, 2004

Just call me Slacker

I had big plans for today. I was gonna do my homework I put off all weekend. I was going to blog about some rather funny experiences of late. I was going to CLEAN!

of course, none of this transpired. I woke up, re-read my favorite part of the book I finished last night (Sex and the Single Vampire, Erin, I think you would adore it!!!) then I did the stupidest thing. I turned on the DVD player.

I know I know. They are Satain's objects of Evil. The plan was to listen to some music to clean by. Instead I wasted most of the day watching more of Season one of the Gilmore Girls. Now, I've got to catch up on all that homework on the marrow because I have my night class tonight. Whose reading I finished. Sort of. Atleast the stuff that should be lectured on tonight.

I'm also pissed as hell because my advisor hasn't emailed me back yet. I got one of those auto send ones that say she won't be back in the office until 8/30/04. I'm pretty sure that was a month ago. I just tracked down her phone number so she's on my list of people to call tomarrow morning.

In other news, I talked to my mom and I had a lovely IMversation with Matt. That perked up my day.

Onward to Ed Psych. Tally-ho!

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