Thursday, November 04, 2004

Any other Lackwits out there?

I plunked down fifteen dollars I could use for a pre-order Keith Urban 2005 calandar. Think that's stupid? Well, your wrong. The fan club does it every year to raise money for St. Jude and they rock at it. So while I don't drop money to join the fan club, which I'd love to do, I do support all the things they do. Go buy yourself one and smile today.

I have a Geography test in about ten minutes. Of course, I didn't study near as well as I should of, but I think I can land out alright. It comes from taking two classes at once. A bit boring, but the double dipping sure cuts down on study time some days.

I still need to do a posting on The Indian Runner. That movie really rocked. It was weird and strange and really not my typical cup of tea which runs more towards The Patriot, The Little Mermaid, Dirty Dancing, and well, you should know my type by now. Romantic Comedy, Historically based stuff, and good old action flicks with lots of things being blown up. Or fast cars and good looking guys. I can be just as shallow or deep as the next person. It depends on my mood.

What else has been going on I haven't commented on. Oh, yes. The presidential election. I think Kerry did a smart thing in "backing down" as I've read in some places. Bush may have won last year because of all his bully tatics, but who really respected that. The point is, the election is over and we need to support the outcome in any way possible. That means getting more people signed up to vote next year, writing editorials that slam Bush policy, and doing what we do best. Complain till they hear you in the White House. Remember, the real people who make laws are in the House and Senate. The president is just a figure head. While he is able to sway policy and sign it into law, he is not the last say so. What ever happens, can be undone later (Look at what he has done to Clinton's policys) and he can't be re-elected in 08.

So chin up guys. It's not over til the Earth implodes or is kicked out of space by a weeble.

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