Monday, December 13, 2004

For the love of Scottie McMullet

Hey Erin,

I found someone who agrees with you about how stupid romance novels are. Even though I don't think they're stupid, since I read them so voraciously and all, I still found this site funny. Very funny.

Although, I actually own the "cradle robber" book. It's a good thing his titles only have to do with what the cover art is. That would be a horrible title for that story. Man who needs to grow a backbone and tell his daddy off, is a much better title. See, Not so difficult is it.

I should make fun of myself more often. It's leaving me in a relatively good mood today, even though I've got a crap load of stuff to do and study for. Pleas tell me who was the genious who came up with a divided finals week? THEY SUCK!!!!

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