Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Search for my Easter Basket

Tosh whined already about her battle with the Easter Bunny's insistence on hiding her Easter Basket. I do not have that problem. I have an Easter bag, not a basket, but hidden it still was.

Penny send my God-daughter to the task of telling me to look for my Easter basket (bag, whatever) and it when something like this.

Ainjil: Lisa, You've gotta get you're Easter basket. It's right there! (Points to top shelf of half wall between living room and kitchen).

Me: I have to get it?

Ainjil: (hands on hips and stomping dress shoes I just helped her put on) Yes! Now!

Me: You better help me get it down.

Ainjil: Pick me up!

Me: (picks her up to get it off the shelf)

Ainjil: Lisa, get it! You're dropping me!

I wasn't, but she was dropping my bag. Such a sweet, gentle, undemanding child isn't she.

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