Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Work Night Highlights

Once again, it is time for the Monday night installment of Lisa's Work Highlights. Let the laughs begin!

-Meow!!! Got to see my resident Argentinean Hottie and RA extraordinare, Martin, play soccer. Not only does he kick a mean black and white ball, he also looks sexy wearing latex gloves cleaning up blood and barf.

-Met Sara, the girl waiting for her pizza from Morristown, who yakked with me while she waited and I homeworked.

-Got to hear the juicy gossip when some redhead had a shrieking fit in the elevator.

-"You're seriously chaining that? What is this? Coach Carter?" Since I haven't seen the movie and have no clue what the guy was referring to, someone PLEASE inform the ignorant!

And saving the best for last:

-I witnessed a gigantic (we're talking Defensive Tackle Mt. McKinnie size here) black dude singing "My Lovely Lady Lumps" in falsetto while doing the Toshia dance. The Black Eyed Peas should SO use that in their My Humps video.

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