Monday, November 07, 2005

Need To Lay Off On Something

The past two nights, I've had the strangest dreams. Saturday night, I was in jail. Not a nice jail, but one that was once a barn and inside the cells were straw and cow crap and animals. I was in there with this guy and a kid. The only way out was to pay to get out of jail because the warden guys were crooked so we sold things like the blankets we had. But everyday we got to go out in the courtyard and exercise and that's when you could earn money, by winning at exercise races.

Last nights was just as bizarre. Eric had this helicopter and he was flying to school in it, but the propeller thing fell off, and he crashed. So we were all running around trying to find all the pieces so we could put it back together. And instead of finding helicopter parts everyone kept finding rings and earrings on the ground.

So. I think I need Priggie's dream book.

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