Friday, December 30, 2005

Doing The Grades Thing

I'm really not trying to gloat. Ask Toshia who has spent many a Tuesday cooking me lunch so I'd actually eat a whole meal inbetween finishing papers and doing homework.

But I was bored at work one day and read that I can graduate with honors if I can keep my GPA hefted up there, so here's this semster's efforts to that goal:

Health-A (God that was a lot of work for only 2 credits)
HURL 497-A (I worked my ASS off in that class and met lots of wonderful people)
HURL 498-A (Much easier class)
AI Hist-A (Yeah! Good grades for my minor)
IM-A (I Couldn't stand my professor)
Astro-A- (This class involved Physics!)
Phy Ed-B (Eh. It's gym.)

This gives me a cumulative bump to 3.7

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