Monday, February 27, 2006

Lisa The Letch

Last night me and Riley ordered some pizza and watched Sky High starring Kurt Russell and Kelly Preston. This adorable movie is about a kid who's the son of two of the world's most famous superheros. This is all good and great, except that Will has yet to actually get his superpowers.

This causes him to join all of his friends as a dreaded Sidekick instead of a genuine Superhero. Involved in the story is also his best friend, his archenemy, the most popular girl in school, and an old enemy of his parents, Commander and Jetstream.

I'd totally give this movie a look-see. It's much more entertaining than the Spy Kids flicks. And, if you're not afraid of labels, there's eye candy.

Ah, the eye candy. That would be Steven Strait who plays Warren Peace. After spending most of the movie going gaga over Peace, I checked him out on IMDB. And that's when I became a very bad person. Cutie Steven here is only 18 (19 in March). So right now the fact that I think he's a total babe is kinda, well, EEEEKG!

But, as I pointed out to Krystle and Riley, when I'm forty, if I dated him, I'd be one sexy and lucky-ass woman. Stupid double standards.

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