Sunday, October 17, 2004

Holey Jeans

Today I'm wearing my favorite pair of jeans.

They're the first pair of "girl" jeans that I bought after I gave in and made a more complete decision to loose weight. They're cheap jeans. A Walmart brand special. They aren't even a pair of those new strechy kind that are the only ones you can buy now.

My mom's even tried to repair them a few times, but the holes keep coming in around the patches. They're beyond the point where I could chop them into a pair of shorts.

But I still love to wear them. And they are the perfect pair to spectate football in. They work excellently for yelling at the television. They are exlemplarary for slicing apples and dipping them in caramel dip.

And most of all? No one is around who can throw my ratty pair of jeans in the garbage because they are unfit to wear.

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