Monday, November 08, 2004

I know myself so well.

Right. So I told you all that as soon as I started my Ed Psych paper everything would fall in place and it would write itself? Well, I was right. Except for this tiny section on negative reinforcement. After interrupting Tosh a bazillion times, I had my very own AHA moment and now I think I got it all figured out.

My current hangup, is that I'm not sure if it's susposed to be stapled to our first section of the paper. To solve this I stapled that section AND the two of them together, so I can always slip it off if I need too, but I don't think that's a big deal. He needs my name on the damned thing anyway.

Right now I'm gonna do some test studying and watching a rerun of Gilmore Girls on ABC Fam. Hey, I should prolly run and get me some dinner too. I 've eaten two lunchable crackers, a thing of string cheese, some oj, and a handful of cereal today. I think I'm hungry. Not sure yet.

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