Monday, December 06, 2004

I caved like a house of cards.

Cocaine adicts and crackwhores have nothing on me.

I ordered Toshia's Christmas present online a couple of weeks ago. It annoyed the crap out of her because I had it sent here instead of to my other adresses. In fact, I believe I strutted my hypocritical boasting here on my blog about how wonderful I was at keeping Toshia's Christmas secret.

Toshia has been battering Anthony about how unfair it is that she can't pick up my packages. She whined to Kristen when she picked up my package slip out of the mailbox. She complained about it when she vehemently tossed the slip at me while I was being lazy this morning reading Running Scared by Elizabeth Lowell.

I waited until I finished the book. (Loved it like crazy. It's joining some of the other Elizabeth Lowell books on my to buy and own list. I just wish she's write some more about those Yummy Donovan Brothers.) Then I got up. Got dressed in my scrubby, I don't feel like showering clothes, and ran barefoot down stairs to the front desk ducking the police guy (still haven't figured out if he's campus or city) to get my packaged.

I then ran up the stairs and threw it at her practically begging her to open it.

Not a proud moment let me tell you.

Caved like there was no self control. *shakes head miserably.*

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